Dead Sea Water ( Concentrated )
Product Name: 306 Deep Dead Sea Products.
Product Description:306 Deep Dead Sea Products is a premium skincare formulation featuring Dead Sea Concentrated Water as its key ingredient. This product is designed for personal care, skin mineralization, and spa treatments.
Physical and Chemical Properties:
Hazards Identification:
First Aid Measures:
Stability & Reactivity:
Transport Information: Not regulated
Regulatory Information: No specific labeling is required according to US or EU countries.
Additional Information: The information provided in this document serves as a user guide and is based on bibliographic information and experience, aiming to reflect the current state. However, it cannot be used to replace proprietary processes. Users must comply with the laws and regulations in force, especially those relating to prevention, storage, and transport.
The complete range of conditions or methods of use is beyond our control; therefore, we do not assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of this product.
Dead sea salt
certainly, here's the summary of the most important information from the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for Dead Sea Bath Salt, including the approximate percentages of its minerals:
Product Information:
Hazards Identification:
First Aid Measures:
Firefighting Measures:
Handling and Storage:
Exposure Controls/Personal Protection:
Physical and Chemical Properties:
Stability and Reactivity:
Toxicological Information:
Ecological Information:
Disposal Considerations:
Please note that the percentages provided here are approximate and may vary slightly depending on the specific product. Always follow safety procedures and local regulations when handling this product.
Dead Sea Mud Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
1. Identification of the Substance and the Company:
2. Composition / Information on Ingredients:
3. Hazards Identification:
4. First Aid Measures:
5. Fire Fighting Measures:
6. Accidental Release Measures:
7. Handling & Storage:
8. Exposure Control / Personal Protection:
9. Physical and Chemical Properties:
10. Stability & Reactivity:
11. Toxicological Information: No Information
12. Ecological Information: No Information
14. Transport Information: Not regulated.
15. Regulatory Information: No specific labeling is required according to US or EU countries.
16. Additional Information: The information contained in this document is a guide for the user and is based on bibliographic information and experience, trying to reflect the current state, but in no means can engage our responsibility. This information may not be used to replace proprietary processes. Users must comply with the laws and regulations in force, especially those relating to prevention, storage, and transport. The complete range of conditions or methods of use are beyond our control; therefore, we don't assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of this product.
Dead Sea Water
Product Description: Dead Sea Water is a versatile skincare formulation suitable for personal care, skin mineralization, and spa products.
Physical and Chemical Properties:
Hazards Identification:
First Aid Measures:
Stability & Reactivity:
Transport Information: Not regulated.
Regulatory Information: No specific labeling is required according to US or EU countries.
Additional Information: The information provided in this document is a guide for the user and is based on bibliographic information and experience, aiming to reflect the current state. However, it cannot be used to replace proprietary processes. Users must comply with the laws and regulations in force, especially those relating to prevention, storage, and transport.
The complete range of conditions or methods of use is beyond our control; therefore, we do not assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for any use of this product.
Dead Sea Powder Mud Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
1. Identification of the Substance and the Company:
2. Composition / Information on Ingredients:
3. Hazards Identification:
4. First Aid Measures:
5. Fire Fighting Measures:
6. Accidental Release Measures:
7. Handling & Storage:
8. Exposure Control / Personal Protection:
9. Physical and Chemical Properties:
10. Stability & Reactivity:
11. Toxicological Information: No Information
12. Ecological Information: No Information
14. Transport Information: Not regulated.
15. Regulatory Information: No specific labeling is required according to US or EU countries.
16. Additional Information: The information provided is for guidance and is based on available data. Users must comply with applicable laws and regulations, especially those related to prevention, storage, and transport. We assume no responsibility or liability for any use of this product beyond our control.
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